Everyone knows when you get a package in the mail nine times out of ten there is a tracking number assigned. The reason for this is not so much for your peace of mind as a consumer (regardless of what you think) this is for the sanity of the postal workers. Can you imagine how stressful it would be for a postal worker to continually get calls from their patrons "Where is my package?" every minute of every day? The invention of "track a package" was one of the best yet.
What is the NEWLY proposed (by me) tracking system? GPS MONITORING! For a simple fee of roughly $50.00/package you too can have a GPS placed in your package so you know minute by minute where it is located.
Really the only down fall I can imagine is the sanity of the delivery postal workers. I mean can you picture the poor men driving around in their trucks with middle-aged folk running inches behind them shouting, "I WANT MY PACKAGE NOW!!!" The innocent delivery people couldn't even take their route... they would have to just park on the block and let all the crazies flock to them... we would have to arm our postal workers. We would have to have armored trucks...
Now that I think about it, maybe my idea isn't such a good one... what do you think?